The Most Snackable Time of The Year

In honor of Christmas break, I gave myself a week off from meal prep.  But… just because I am not meal prepping, doesn’t mean that I don’t set myself up for success (eating habit success) during this week.

One thing that I always make sure to have in my house is my favorite quick snacks.  The reason I put ALL the effects on the word quick is because if it will take me more than 1 minute to prepare, I don’t consider it a snack.

Snacks are also a way that I enhance my meal prep for the week.  Usually I choose 2-3 snacks to pack with me for the so I can ~graze~ throughout the day.

Here are my favorite grab and go snacks that you can find in any grocery store.  I don’t think I need to photograph them, so instead I’ll link the websites for the companies, that way you can go on and read about nutritional facts before deciding if these are good for you.  Just because I am linking it here, doesn’t mean that its low in sugar and fat, it just means I like it, and it’s a better option than most.

If you’ve ever walked through a grocery store with the goal to find a pre-packaged healthy snack that’s not trail mix, then you understand how hard they are to find.  These are the ones that I’ve found in most places I’ve been to, and I will continue to look for more options and link them in future posts.

  1. If you know me, and you’ve seen me during the week, there’s a chance you’ve seen me eat a yogurt.  If you have visited my instagram then you’ve probably seen me post about my favorite pre-packaged snack: Chobani Flip.
  2. Another one of my favorites is Horizon’s Organics pre-packaged Pretzels and Cheese and Nuts and Cheddar. I think these are made for kids because of the cute packaging, but regardless, you can’t go wrong with nuts and cheese.  Also, I realize that I can make this snack at home by cutting up cheddar cubes and mixing them with whatever I choose, but I don’t want to do that.  I’d rather just buy it.
  3. Pretty much any Quaker Oats products from rice cakes to popped rice crisps.

These are just a few of the products that I love to have in my fridge and pantry.  Keep on the lookout for make-ahead snacks that you can prepare and store for other grab and go options.

But for now, I’m going to go enjoy my vacation.  Happy snacking!




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