30 Second Breakfast

Now that the holiday season and vacation are over, I’m back at work and more bloated than ever.  Lets just say I spent 10 days eating out, eating in, making holiday favorites, drinking warm drinks, and just flat out indulging on another level.  As a result, I felt horrible.

If you know me, then you know that I hate fruits and vegetables, and would rather just stay away.  But, it felt like my body was begging me to please have a fruit.  So, reluctantly, I had to listen.  But because of who I am, I needed to find a way to consume what’s “good for me” without going against my preferences.

So, in a desperate need for a rainbow diet, I was surfing through Pinterest, and decided that I’m going to start juicing.  Yes, me, juicing.  If you would have told me about juicing a year ago, I would have told you (sarcastically) that it’s just not for me.  So why now?

For starters, I need a quick way to eat the rainbow.  I hate making salads because I hate chopping up so many ingredients.  So if you tell me to just throw some things in a blender and call it a day, I’m all for it. Another thing is, I’ve been visiting a local grocery store that makes all different kinds of juice combinations and it has inspired me (and my wallet) to start trying my own combinations. Plus, after trying it for a week, I feel lighter, my bloating has gone way down, and I just have an overall sense of  feeling good.  I’m sure there are many many other benefits to juicing, but lets get to the point.

Ps. it wouldn’t be a Salt and Prep post if I didn’t make copious amounts of whatever I’m making, so as always, be mindful of the quantity of your ingredients.

Here are the two combinations that I’m trying for this week.  I have been blending them with water, but if you try them and find that they are not sweet enough, I recommend adding a natural sweetener such as honey or agave.  You can also add half a banana and blend it with milk instead of water.  It will make for a richer texture and a more filling smoothie, rather than a juice.

Berry Boom

1/2 cup spinach

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup strawberries

Mad for Mango

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup strawberries

1/2 cup mango

1/2 cup spinach

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